Friday, February 25, 2011

More Astrological Musics...

I'm in such a weird mood, let's try and figure it out friends! Reading charts is so fun, look at all these luminaries situated. When it is noon a luminary (Sun!) is situated at its apex/zenith in the sky. I haven't found good information about what the horizon points are as far as degrees goes, like how much of the sky is typically visible from most latitudes, but I will continue researching until I figure this one out! Either way, tonight we will be able to see Jupiter setting in the West following this Sun. Some astrologers and astronomers call this a heliacal setting. Heliacal just means "pertaining to the Sun."

As you'd presume, the Sun is the primary luminary in our Solar System. Some, including most luminous Nick Anthony Fiorenza, prefer terming the system "Soul-ar." Astrology is a divinatory art, an art of interpretation that uses traditional archetypes to frame behaviors, trends, attitudes, etc. A year, a cycle we are all familiar with (ha!), is just one full Sun cycle, simply enough. A fun thing about astrology is that we can observe some of the cyclic tendencies of our Solar System in a myriad of ways. A warm summer and a cool winter (Northern Hemisphere) is just the tip of this iceberg. Western astrology, which is oriented to tropical zodiac, gleans much of its traditional symbolism from portions of the year. We are all familiar with these portions!

First of all, Spring is the active beginning of the year! We're approaching Spring right now in the Northern Hemisphere and quite obviously. I woke up sneezing all day about three days ago. Pollen drifts in the air, the lawns and sides of roadways get a rich green, clover sprouts superfluously, etc. A fun part of naked-eye astronomy is that throughout the year we may observe the Sun's meetings (synods) with different luminaries. This is most apparent with lunar cycles. A meeting (synod) between Sun and Moon is what we've termed a New Moon. We don't see this happen, but we see the waning crescent drift lower than horizon into the Sun, then we see the waxing crescent of a new cycle emerge. This is the meaning of a heliacal setting and rising.

This situation we see the Sun progressing across the sign of Pisces. Pisces is the last sign of the tropical cycle, the last sign of Winter before Spring officially beings with the vernal equinox. All symbolisms you can think of connoting the end of a cycle apply with Pisces. Pisces is typified by dissolution, dissolve, loosening, illusion, etc. Pisces is the ender of the cycle, the preparatory phase for the birth and growth that is Aries and Spring. Tonight we may observe just after sunset the greater benefic Jupiter in early degrees of Aries. Jupiter in this situation may be interpreted as a generous, jovial, expansive feeling manifesting. As plants and animals spring (Spring) back to life and come alive as the year begins, Jupiter's energies are enlivened at this point of the zodiac.

As the Sun progresses Jupiter will dip into the Sun, this is termed the heliacal setting. A synod then occurs out of our view and then Jupiter experiences his heliacal rising. The Sun conjoins all superior orbiting planets once a year in this fashion and in this manner creates its own cycles with each of these luminaries. We may also observe at this time an opposition between Jupiter and Saturn. This opposition has been in effect for much of the last few years in various degrees of perfection/imperfection. Saturn's retrograde period (until June) and Jupiter's progression are perfecting this opposition at the moment. We find the self (Aries) expanding and manifesting, traveling, celebrating, while the other (Libra) endures pruning, discipline and restriction. All this under the auspices of underworld ruler Pluto who sits in the cardinal earth sign Capricorn.

I think I'm going to be doing more chart interpretation in the future as a way to practice my own reading skills, build more familiarity with cycles, symbols and archetypes, and get more comfortable with writing. If you're interested in me looking at your chart, shoot me a line at or on Twitter @toastbeard. Astrology is a lot of fun because you can be creative with the interpretation but the data you base interpretation off of is real and empirical. Having a knowledge of the mechanics of the Solar System is a great tool for orientation (quite literally) and also a great analogue for those who study musics and follow general trends in world and personal histories. Stay awesome everyone and remember always/all ways to love!

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